Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Passport negs, and Polaroid trends.

Now that Polaroid has stopped making those handy little shakeabouts', photographers around the world are running crazy to saver every last Polaroid they can find and in the years gone by, it has even been known that some people have been going to the extent of going through bins and asking the chemist chicks for their passport negatives. Okay, okay, maybe that was only me... But a few years ago, I got my shot taken for a passport I needed and when she reveled the photo I noticed how good the negative looked. I asked her for it and she looked at me all weird but handed me the stinking, moist negative. Just the other week the same sitch went down and I asked for the neg again and, not surprisingly got the same weird look. Again.

Alas, I have just started my passport negative collection. Singly, they might look a little out of place. But together, you can see how this dying form of photography can still look good, even in ways we never thought it would.

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